6 Message Reference
Note: The option chosen by the user must be appropriate to the actual hardware fitted; otherwise an
error status is returned.
• line_code
The line coding technique. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
• frame_format
The frame format. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
• crc_mode
The CRC mode. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
• build_out
The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
3 E1 120 ohm balanced interface
4T1 (including J1)
5 E1 120 ohm balanced interface
Value Description
1 HDB3 (E1 only)
4 B8ZS (T1/J1)
Value Description
1 E1 double frame (E1 only)
2 E1 CRC4 multiframe (E1 only)
3 F4 4-frame multiframe (T1 only)
4 D3/D4 (Yellow alarm = bit 2 in each channel (T1 only)
7 ESF (Yellow alarm in data link channel) (T1 only)
8 F72/SLC96 (72-frame multiframe) (T1 only)
9 J1 frame format (liu_type must be 4 [T1])
Value Description
1 CRC generation disabled
2 CRC4 enabled (frame_format must be set to 2)
4 CRC6 enabled (frame_format must be set to 7)
Value Description
0 Setting for E1 devices
1 T1 default (T1 short haul)
2 T1 short haul 0 - 133 ft
3 T1 short haul 133 - 266 ft
4 T1 short haul 266 - 399 ft
5 T1 short haul 399 - 533 ft
6 T1 short haul 533 - 655 ft
7 Not supported.
8 T1 long haul LB0 (-0dB)
9 T1 long haul LB0 (-7.5dB)