6 Message Reference
— Bit 15 is set to 1 for diagnostics purposes to cause the results of board configuration to be passed to
the host. When set, all confirmation messages generated internally on the board during the
configuration sequence are sent to the 0xdf module ID on the host.
— All other bits are reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
• l1_flags
Level 1 flags with the following bit significance:
— Bit 0 controls the layer 1 clock reference source. If set to 0, the clock is recovered from the onboard
oscillator. If set to 1, the clock is recovered from one of the line interfaces. Line interfaces can be
individually configured with the LIU_MSG_CONFIG message to explicitly be excluded from recovering
the clock from the interface.
— All other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.
6.2.5 MGT_MSG_L1_CONFIG – Layer 1 Configuration Request
Message sent to a board after successful processing of the MGT_MSG_CONFIG0 message to configure the
layer 1 links.
Note: When using the s7_mgt protocol configuration utility, this message is generated by s7_mgt and
should not be generated by the user.
This message is used after successful processing of the MGT_MSG_CONFIG0 message to configure physical
signaling links. It should only be sent after the MGT_MSG_CONFIG0 message has been sent. The message
should be sent once for each signaling link to be configured.
The MGT_MSG_L1_CONFIG message includes the following parameters:
Field Name Meaning
type MGT_MSG_L1_CONFIG (0x7f17)
id 0
src Sending module's module ID
dst MGMT_module_ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation.
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 40
Offset Size Name
0 2 Reserved. Set to 0.
22 l1_resource_id
4 2 data_rate
6 2 link_source
8 2 Reserved. Set to 0.
10 2 Reserved. Set to 0.
12 2 link_stream
14 2 link_timeslot
16 2 Reserved. Set to 0.
18 2 Reserved. Set to 0.
20 4 options
24 4 timeslot_mask
28 12 Reserved. Set to 0.