3 Installation
Where <ARCH> is i386 for 32bit operation and x86_64 for 64 bit operation systems.
Note: Device driver binaries, including the one for the DSI SS7MD Board, will be built as rpmbuild is
run. Therefore, it is necessary for the machine on which rpmbuild is run to share the same kernel
version as the machine on which the RPM packages will be installed. RPM Packages
The following packages are created:
ss7dpk-<DPK>.<ARCH>.rpm Run-time files, including binaries, GCT run-time shared
library and SYSTEM.TXT and CONFIG.TXT configuration
ss7dpk-devel-<DPK>.<ARCH>.rpm Development Package development files, including header
files and GCT link-time shared library.
ss7dpk-kmod-<DPK>-<KERNEL>.<ARCH>.rpm Signaling boards device drivers binaries.
ss7dpk-debuginfo-<DPK>.<ARCH>.rpm RPM build artefact, not required. Using the RPM Management Tool
The RPM management tool, “rpm”, is used to maintain packages on a target system. Documentation on how
to use the “rpm” tool is available from www.rpm.org.
Common tasks using the rpm utility include:
1. Installation of an RPM package:
rpm -i <package_name>
2. Removal of an installed RPM package:
rpm -e <package_name>
3. Upgrading an installed RPM package:
rpm -U <package>
4. List all RPM packages on a system:
rpm -qa