From the drop-down list for each of the following
options, select the sound you want to use or turn it
» Sounds
» Button Press
» Message
» Power
» Turn Alert
Volume–To adjust the volume, use the arrow keypad
to move the slider right or left.
Use the Time options to modify the device’s time format,
time zone, and Daylight Saving Time preferences.
To modify the time settings
From the Settings Page, select Time, and then select
the option you want to change.
Time Format–From the drop-down list, select Local
12 hr or Local 24 hr.
Zone–From the drop-down list, select your actual
time zone or select Automatic to allow the device
to update the time based on your GPS location.
Use Daylight Saving Time–Select the check box
to adjust the time for Daylight Saving Time.
Use the Units option to set the units of measure for
the device.
To modify the units settings
From the Settings Page, select Units, and then select
the option you want to change.
From the drop-down list for each of the options, select
the unit of measure you want to use:
Coordinates: Primary–Degrees; Degrees, Minutes;
Deg, Min, Sec; UTM/UPS; or USNG/MGRS.
Datum: Primary–Various. The default datum
is WGS84.
Coordinates: Secondary–UTM/UPS; Degrees;
Degrees, Minutes; Deg, Min, Sec; or USNG/MGRS.
Datum: Secondary–Various.
Measures–Statute Miles, Kilometers, Nautical Miles/
Feet, or Nautical Miles/Meters.
Pressure– Inches of Mercury, Millibars, or Pascals.
Bearing–True or Magnetic. True represents the
true location of the North Pole. Magnetic sets the
device to use magnetic bearings; this is useful when
comparing the device with a digital compass for use
with maps that have magnetic declination built into
the map grid.
The Settings Page