
PN-60w only
The SPOT Satellite Communicator uses GPS signals and
communication satellites to relay your message—no cell
phone coverage necessary—giving you peace of mind.
The SPOT Communicator Page on the PN-60w gives you
an easy way to use and manage your SPOT Communicator.
See the Quick Start Guide for information about:
» Activating your SPOT account at  ndmespot.com
» Setting up your SPOT Communicator for  rst-time use
» Pairing your PN-60w and SPOT Communicator
See Using the SPOT Communicator section starting
on page 13 for information about using the device.
To connect a SPOT Communicator that is paired with the
PN-60w or to initiate the pairing process, go to MENU >
Connect SPOT Communicator.
To disconnect a paired device, go to MENU > Disconnect
SPOT Communicator.
At the top of the SPOT Communicator Page, a message
displays the current status of the SPOT Communicator.
Tip If you need to turn the wireless antenna off, go to
Settings > Wireless and clear the Wireless Antenna On
check box.
Sending Messages
Your SPOT account at  ndmespot.com is the link
between your PN-60w and your SPOT Communicator.
When you set up your account, you will add your contacts
and create groups of contacts; write pre-de ned
messages to quickly update your status when you're out
in the  eld; and send the information to your PN-60w. You
can also purchase additional recommended service op-
tions, such as support for Track Progress and Type
& Send messages.
The SPOT Communicator Page
The SPOT Communicator Page