
Info Field Description
Speed The current rate of travel for the device; expressed in distance/time.
(Units > Measure and Time). An up arrow indicates you are going faster than
the moving average, and a down arrow indicates you are going slower than the
moving average.
Speed: Average The average speed of the device including stop time; expressed in distance/
time. (Units > Measure and Time)
Sunrise/Sunset The time of day at which the sun will rise and set, based on GPS location or
current map center. (Units > Time)
Time/Date The time of day and date based on current GPS location. (Units > Time)
Time to Finish The calculated time to the route  nish based on road classi cations and default
speed settings. (Units > Time)
Time to Moonrise/set The time remaining until the moon rises and sets, based on GPS location or
current map center. (Units > Time)
Time to Next Stop The calculated time to the next stop in the route based on road classi cations
and default speed settings. (Units > Time)
Time to Next Turn The calculated time to the next turn in the route based on road classi cations
and default speed settings. (Units > Time)
Time to Sunrise/set The time remaining until the sun rises and sets, based on GPS location or
current map center. (Units > Time)
Trip: Odometer The total distance the GPS device has been moving since trip info was reset.
(Units > Measure)
Info Fields Table