
A track is a recording of points along the path you travel.
Viewing a pro le of a track gives you valuable information
about the track’s elevation—you can view the pro le over
track distance or time recorded while traveling. When the
pro le changes while you are stationary and tracking by
time, the pro le indicates changes in pressure that you
can use to monitor weather changes. The Pro le Page
lets you view the elevation of the active track as it is
recording or that of a saved track.
For more information about tracks, see The Tracks Page
section starting on page 66.
Viewing a Pro le
You can open the Pro le Page from the Home Page
or from the menu on the Tracks Page.
The Pro le Page shows two views of the track you are
pro ling. Press up or down on the arrow keypad to switch
which view is active—the crosshair appears on the
active view.
Detailed–The upper section of the page shows the
section of the track you are viewing. The initial view
shows the track from its start to the current location
(for an active track) or to the  nish (for a saved track).
Overview–The bottom section of the page shows
a pro le of the entire track.
Time or Distance
You can view the track pro le by distance along the track
or by time travelled along the track.
To change the pro le method, go to MENU > Switch to
Distance Pro le or Switch to Time Pro le. The x axis
of the pro le graph re ects the method.
The Pro le Page
The Pro le Page