
The Find Page
To mark a waypoint for a search result
On the search result details page, select Mark. The result
is saved as a waypoint and the waypoint details page
displays; you can edit the information. For more
information see To edit waypoint details on page 50.
To view/center a search result on the map
On the search result, waypoint, or geocache details
page, select View. The Map Page displays and is
centered on the search result. Press QUIT to return
to the details page.
To create a route to a search result
You can navigate directly to the search result from your
current location. For more information about creating and
modifying routes, see The Routes Page starting on page 61.
1. On the details page for the search result,
select Route.
2. On the route details page, select Navigate.
Note When you are creating a route from
a geocache details page, go straight to step 3.
3. Select Hike or Drive.
The route calculates and the Map Page opens
in navigation mode.
Visit the DeLorme Wiki at wiki.delorme.com for more
information. The latest version of the User Manual is always
available for download.