CHAPTER 4: Installation and Initial Configuration
j. Press [Enter] to access the dedicated Selection Menu for that subsidiary
Base Unit. Verify that new names appear in the Selection Menu in green.
k. If you are configuring a second-tier subsidiary Base Unit, and there are any
third-tier Base Units attached to it, repeat steps c through j for a third-tier
path. Press “S” to save the configuration. Press [F2] to bring up the third-
tier Selection menu and verify that the third-tier Base Unit is properly
configured: Select a channel for the second-tier path and press [Enter],
then a channel for the third-tier path and press [Enter], then a channel for
a CPU attached to the third-tier Base Unit and press [Enter]. If you can
properly access and operate the chosen CPU, the third-tier Base Unit is
properly installed.
Repeat the first paragraph of this step for all remaining third-tier Base
Units (if any) attached to this second-tier Base Unit.
l. Press “S” to save the configuration. Press [F2] to bring up the Selection
menu and verify that the second-tier Base Unit is properly configured:
Select a channel for the second-tier path and press [Enter], then a channel
for a CPU attached to the second-tier Base Unit and press [Enter]. If you
can properly access and operate the chosen CPU, the second-tier Base Unit
is properly installed.
m. Repeat steps c through l for all remaining (if any) second-tier Base Units
attached to the master Base Unit.
n. Edit the names of any computer CPUs directly attached to the master Base
Unit and verify the master Base Unit’s configuration as described in steps
6b through 6e of Section 4.2.
If you rearrange a cascaded system or dismantle one and rebuild it
differently later, you must perform a soft reset on each Base Unit in the
new cascade. A soft reset allows each Base Unit to retain all user and
system profiles, but also auto-detect the current status of its channel
and user ports. Follow the installation steps in this section to install the
new cascade, but when you power on each Base Unit (which must be
done in proper tier order), use the pinhole reset button on the back of
each unit to reset them individually. So, starting with a subsidiary Base
Unit in the third tier (if there is one), power on the unit, press and hold
the pinhole reset button until the LED panel flashes, release the button,
and wait until the LEDs cycle through and return to their original state.
Repeat for any other third-tier units, then all second-tier units, and
finally the master.