204 Index
, 71
discrete, 71
numeric, 71
optional, 71
types of, 71
peak deviation, FM, 32, 105
peak frequency deviation, FM, 32, 105
peak value, 157
peak-to-peak value, 157
of arb data points, 80
percent modulation (depth), 29
modulation depth, 29
percentage, duty cycle, 112
Performance Test Record, 190
Performance Verification Tests, 166–167
phase offset setting, 90
phase offset, querying, 91
phase reference, setting, 91
PHASe subsystem (option 001), 90
ADJust, 90
ADJust?, 91
REFerence, 91
STATe, 91
STATe?, 91
phase, burst modulation, 39, 103
phase-lock error
enabling, 91
generation, 91
querying, 91
phase-lock errors (option 001), 151
VXIplug&play, 13
Plug&Play. See online help.
points, number in arb waveform, 80
recalling the last instrument configuration, 127
power-on state, 57, 130
programming the function generator, 17
example, 18
Quick Performance Check, 167
quick reference
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands, 124
SCPI commands, 131
phase offset setting
, 90
*RCL, 127
reading the error queue, 120
recalling an instrument configuration, 127
Recommended Test Equipment, 165
reserved names, arb waveforms, 81
reset state, 57, 130
revision number, firmware, 56
RMS value, 157
*RST, 124, 127
rules, arb waveform names, 81
*SAV, 128
saving instrument configurations, 128
SCPI command reference, 72, 131
SCPI commands
abbreviated, 70
command format, 70
implied, 71
linking with common (*) commands, 71
parameters, 71
quick reference, 131
specifying, 17
SCPI, programming examples
application SCPI command strings, 58
SCPI, version query, 56
Security Code, 174
security code
lost code, 175
security code, calibration
changing, 74
disabling, 74
enabling, 74
Security jumper, 175
complete, 55, 166
power-on, 55, 166
self-test errors, 147
shift rate, FSK, 41, 109
SICL, Standard Instrument Control Language, 13
Signal Characteristics, 136
Signal generators, 157
Signal Imperfections, 155
Sinewave Spectral Purity, 135
soft front panel
VXIplug&play Online Help
, 13
Soft front panel (VXIplug&play). See online help.
software triggering, 53, 122