
Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 127
Chapter 3
*PSC 0 | 1 enables/disables power-on status clear. Clears the Status Byte and
Stadard Event register enable masks when power is turned on (*PSC 1). When *PSC
0 is in effect, the Status Byte and Standard Event register enable masks are not
cleared when power is turned on. The default setting is 1 (enabled to clear).
Note In order for the *PSC setting to remain in effect through a power failure, a
*SAV 0 must be executed after the *PSC command.
*PSC? queries the PSC setting. Returns "0" (*PSC 0) or "1" (*PSC 1).
*RCL 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 recalls a previously stored instrument configuration. Four
memory locations, 0, 1, 2 and 3, are available to store configurations.
Comments You cannot recall the instrument configuration from a memory location that
was not previously specified as a storage location. For example, an error is
generated if you attempt to recall from memory location "2" but have not
saved to that location with the *SAV command. A +810, "State has not been
stored" error is generated if nothing is stored in the specified memory location
you are trying to recall.
Coupled command: No
Related commands: *SAV, MEMory:STATe:DELete
*RST Condition: none
*RST resets the Agilent E1441A as follows:
Sets all commands to the power-on/reset state (see the table following these
common commands or at the end of Chapter 2).
Aborts all pending operations.
*RST does not affect:
The output queue
The Service Request and Standard Event Status Enable Registers
The enable masks for the Questionable Signal Registers
Calibration data
Comments Coupled command: No
*RST Condition: none