
Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 117
Chapter 3
The STATus subsystem reports the bit values of the Questionable Data/Signal
Register. It also allows you to unmask the bits you want reported from the Standard
Event Register and to read the summary bits from the Status Byte Register.
The Questionable Data/Signal Register group consists of a condition register, and
event register and an enable register. The commands in the STATus:QUEStionable
subsystem control and monitor these registers.
Subsystem Syntax STATus
:ENABle <unmask>
Comments The STATus system contains four registers, two of which are under IEEE
488.2 control; the Standard Event Status Register (*ESE?) and the Status Byte
Register (*STB?). The Operational Status bit (OPR), Service Request bit
(RSQ), Standard Event summary bit (ESB), Message Available bit (MAV) and
Questionable Data bit (QUE) in the Status Byte Register (bits 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3
respectively) can be queried with the *STB? command. Use the *ESE?
command to query the "unmask" value for the Standard Event Status Register
(the bits you want logically OR'd into the summary bit). The registers are
queried using decimal weighted bit values. See Figure 3-1 on page 119.
STATus:PRESet command affects only the enable register by setting all enable
register bits to 0. It does not affect either the "status byte" or the "standard event
status". PRESet does not clear any of the event registers.
:QUEStionable :CONDition?
STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? returns a decimal-weighted number
representing the bits set in the Questionable Data condition register.
:QUEStionable [:EVENt]?
STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? returns a decimal-weighted number
representing the bits set in the Questionable Data/Signal Register's event register.
This command clears all bits in the event register when executed.