104 Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference
Chapter 3
[SOURce:]BM:INTernal:RATE? [MIN|MAX] queries the burst rate. Returns a value
in hertz.
[SOURce:]BM:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal selects the burst modulation source. In
the external gated burst mode, the output waveform is either “on” or “off ” based on
the level of the signal applied to the front-panel Ext Trig terminal or VXIbus
TTLTRG line selected by TRIG:SOUR). The default is INT.[Stored in volatile
memory ]
Comments • When the internal burst source is selected, the external gated mode is disabled.
• When the external gate source is selected, the output is enabled or disabled
based on the logic level of the gate signal applied to the Ext Trig terminal.
When the gate signal is true (TTL high), the function generator outputs a
continuous waveform. When the gate signal is false (TTL low), the output is
turned off (zero volts or the dc offset level).
• When the external gate source is selected, the burst count, burst rate, burst
phase, and burst trigger source are ignored (these parameters are used for the
counted burst mode only).
[SOURce:]BM:SOURce? queries the present burst modulation source. Returns
INT” or “EXT”.
[SOURce:]BM:STATe OFF|ON disables or enables burst modulation. To ensure
proper operation, you should enable the burst mode after you have set up the other
modulation parameters. Only one modulation mode can be enabled at a time. When
you enable the burst mode, the previous modulation mode is turned off.
[SOURce:]BM:STATe? queries the state of burst modulation. Returns “0” (OFF) or
“1” (
Use the APPLy command or the equivalent FUNC:SHAP, FREQ, VOLT, and
VOLT:OFFS commands to configure the carrier waveform. Set the carrier frequency