
Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 101
Chapter 3
[SOURce:]APPLy:SQUare [<frequency>[,<amplitude>[,<offset>]]] is used to
output a square wave with the specified frequency, amplitude and dc offset. For
example, a square wave with the same parameters as the syntax example is shown
"APPL:SQU 5.0E+3, 3.0, -2.5"
Comments Square Wave Frequency and Possible Conflict with Duty Cycle:
For output frequencies above 5 MHz, the duty cycle is limited to values
between 40% and 60% (below 5 MHz, the range is 20% to 80%). The duty
cycle is automatically adjusted if you select a frequency that is not valid with
the present duty cycle. For example, if you set the duty cycle to 70% and then
change the frequency to 8 MHz, the function generator will automatically
adjust the duty cycle to 60% (the upper limit for this frequency). A -221
"Settings conflict" error is also generated.
[SOURce:]APPLy:TRIangle [<frequency>[,<amplitude>[,<offset>]]] is used to
output a triangle wave with the specified frequency, amplitude and dc offset. For
example, a triangle wave with the same parameters as the syntax example is shown
"APPL:TRI 5.0E+3, 3.0, -2.5"
[SOURce:]APPLy:USER [<frequency>[,<amplitude>[,<offset>]]] is used to
output the arbitrary waveform currently selected by the FUNC:USER command.
The waveform is output using the specified frequency, amplitude and dc offset.
Comments See “Arbitrary Waveforms” on page 46. for more information on creating and
downloading user-defined arbitrary waveforms to non-volatile memory.
[SOURce:]APPLy? is used to query the function generator's present configuration
and return a quoted string.
Comments The function, frequency, amplitude and offset voltage are returned as shown in
the sample string below (the quotation marks are returned as part of the string):
"SIN +5.000000000000E+03,+3.000000E+00,-2.500000E+00"