Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-29
Add Space to Volume Group
To add space to a volume group so AMASS can continue to
write to the volume group, do one of the following:
• Add volumes to the volume group.
• Create a space pool and enable the volume group to use the
space pool so AMASS can automatically add volumes to the
out-of-space volume group.
For volume group information, see “Volume Groups Defined”
on page 1-13.
Add Volumes
For detailed information on the commands used in these steps, see
the "Command Reference" chapter.
Step Command Description
1 Log in as amass or root.
For example:
volgroup 42 121
Assign additional media to the
volume group.
Volume number 42 is assigned
to volume group 121.