Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-19
Step 2. If AMASS is active, inactivate it with the option
shown in the following example. For command
information, see “amassstat” on page 3-24.
Step 3. Enter the following path and script name:
The following output shows typical messages for a
successful test of a new installation.
Step 4. If AMASS passes these tests, it automatically starts.
Step 5. If AMASS fails these tests, messages display on the
console and are also sent to the system log.
For more information, see “amass_start” on
page 4-10.
Step 6. If you do not have media in the library, the script
prints a WARNING message indicating the library is
empty. Under these circumstances, you can ignore
this message.
# killdaemons -f
# cd /usr/amass/tools
# ./install_tests
Script started, File is typescript
Script done on Tue May 13 11:30:50 1997
Script started on Tue May 13 11:30:52
script done on Tue May 13 11:35:00 1997