Managing the AMASS File System
A-6 Backup Scripts for HP-UX 6-00028-01 Rev A
Backup Example for Large File Systems
The following script backs up data on large file systems.
Consequently, a full backup completes over an extended period
of time, usually one month.
Step 1. On the first day of the month (day 1) the script
generates two lists:
• A complete list of files
• A list of files that have changed since the last
complete backup
Step 2. The shell variable NMEGS determines how much data
the system can back up in one evening.
Step 3. Every day, the script does a partial backup within a
manageable period of time (one evening) of a group
of volumes in a volume group.
Therefore, if you can divide the AMASS file system
into 20 parts, the script can do a complete backup in
20 days.
The amount of data can exceed the capacity of one
optical platter.