Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Backup Scripts for HP-UX A-3
Backup Example for Small File Systems
The script below performs:
• A complete backup every Friday (day 5) of all the files in a
specified volume group.
• A partial backup every other day of the week (Monday
through Thursday) of the files in the specified volume group
that have changed since the last complete backup on Friday.
The script uses the volfilelist and vollist commands to
generate a list of files in a volume group. Then, it pipes this list
to a UNIX backup command.
To perform a complete library backup, run the script for every
volume group in a library. The size of the AMASS File System
Database determines how much time is required for this
# abackup
# Purpose:
# Store AMASS file system to tape.
# Use ’abackup 2’ to backup volume
# group 2.
# Input:
# /tmp/archivedate - control file for
# backup, modified during every complete
# backup
# VOLGRP - the volume group to be
# archived from
# $1.