Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-47
Step 1. Log in as root.
Step 2. Enter the path and utility as shown in the following
Step 3. For help in reading the output, see “Prepare to
Contact Technical Support” on page -32.
The output looks similar to the example shown in the
following example.
# su root
# cd /usr/amass/utils
# ./quedisplay
READQ rid=52696, fptr=0xf0227c5c, vol=3, fnode_flags=0x110
WRITEQ rid=79, fptr=0xc00eff54, vol=5, fnode_flags=0x8048844
ADMINQ:cmd=1, flags=0x6,vol=32, juke=1, pid=1047, ftype=0, err=0
JUKEBOX 1 DRIVE 1, vid=32, vflag=0x100, status=0
JUKEBOX 1 DRIVE 2, no volume in drive
A read request
Record ID
Record is located on volume 3.
The last two entries are a list of libraries,
drives, and corresponding volume IDs.
A volformat command (cmd=1)
was issued on volume 32.
Process ID
VOLUME vid=7, num_reads=0, num_writes=30
Displays with the -q option.
RESCHEDQ rid=xx, fptr=xxxxxx, vol=x, fnode_flags=xxxxx