Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-17
Before running this script, the following conditions must be
• AMASS must not be running when you run
• The drives must be empty but Active.
• At least one tape or optical platter must be in a home
storage slot; this volume should be the Backup Volume. Just
make sure this volume is not a cleaning cartridge because a
cleaning volume does not return a “tape loaded status” to
AMASS and thus install_tests will fail.
• If more than one client (besides AMASS) is sharing a drive
through DAS for an AML, the drive must be allocated to
AMASS for install_tests to successfully complete.
For instructions on configuring AMASS as a DAS client,
refer to “Using DAS as a Library Interface” in Accessing
Storage Devices.
Option Description
-u show usage
-b do not enable AMASS at boot
See AMASS at Boot description
-d bypass drive load tests
WARNING: this should only be used if
no drive changes have
been made!
-n do not start AMASS upon completion