Run Results Comma Separated Values (.CSV) File
The following is an example of Run results exported to a Comma Separated Values (.CSV) file. The following list associates
the position of descriptor fields with their values as specified in the first definition. Two consecutive delimiters with nothing
between them indicate a blank field
1. Run ID à 04062001(2),
2. Well ID à A1,
3. Assay Type à SAL (allowable values are described in the Importing a New Run section of this manual ),
4. Well Type à Sample (allowable values are described in the Importing a New Run section of this manual),
5. Well Comment à <blank>,
6. Retest à FALSE,
7. Retest Run ID à <blank>,
8. Retest Well ID à <blank>,
9. Kit Lot Number à KitLot_SAL,
10. Expiration Date (Kit Lot) à 2012-12-31,
11. Sample ID à Sample01,
12. Sample Type à Processed(allowable values are described in the Configuring Fields section of this manual,
13. Description à Beef,
14. Product à Franks,
15. Brand à Brand X,
16. Lot Number à 20110408-A,
17. Line à 5,
18. Customer à Customer X.
19. Result à Positive
04062011(2),A1,SAL,Sample,,False,,,KitLot_SAL,2012-12-31,Sample01,Processed,Beef ,Franks,Brand X,
20110408-A,5,Customer X,Positive
04062011(2),A2,MC,,,False,,,KitLot_MC,2012-12-31,Sample01,Processed,Beef ,Franks,Brand X,
20110408-A,5,Customer X,Valid