• The data in a sample import file that’s intended to be imported into a list field must match one of the selections
for the list field. For example, a sample type must be Raw, Processed, or Environmental or one of the sample
types you defined.
5. Click the Import button. When the Open window appears, navigate to the import file you want to import and double click
the file name.
Assay Type Assay Code Well Type Well Code
Salmonella SAL Sample Sample
E. coli O157 ECO Reagent Control RC
Listeria LIS Negative Control NC
Listeria monocytogenes LM Matrix Control MC
Matrix Control MC
Exporting a run definition
1. Select the Setup (List) tab of the New Run window.
2. You can export a run definition in the form of a delimited data file, e.g., Comma Separated Values (.CSV) file. Use this
feature if you want to export the information for run definition to a LIMS or another system or if you want to export a run
definition, edit the run definition, and then import the edited run definition.
3. The default file type is a .CSV file. You can select other file types and delimiters in the Import and Export Options. Select
the delimiter that is preferred by the LIMS or other system to which the file is exported.. Refer to the section in this
manual on import/export file formats.
• By default, the first row is a header row that contains field names. You can change this in the Import and Export
Options. Refer to the section in this manual on import and export options
• Two consecutive delimiters with nothing between them indicate a blank field.
4. The default export folder is defined using the Import and Export Options. Refer to the section in this manual on import
and export options.
5. Click the Export button. When the Save as window appears, navigate to the folder into which you want to export the file.
The default export folder is defined using the Import and Export Options. Refer to the section in this manual on import
and export options.
6. Click the Save button..
Displaying a run by assay type
The Assay Type pane appears along with the Setup (Grid) pane and the Well Details pane while you define a run, and it
provides a list of all wells defined within this run definition for a selected assay type. In the example, the wells defined for the
Salmonella assay are displayed, and indicated by the light blue box around the “SAL“ selector.
Assay Type Symbol
E. coli O157
Listeria monocytogenes
Matrix Control