Generating Management Reports
Generating a Search Results report
1. This report allows you to query the database for specific results from completed runs.
2. To generate a Search Results report, select Reports on the menu bar, and then select Search Results… You can also
click Generate Reports next to the Generate Reports icon on the Start page, or your can click Generate Reports
next to the Generate Reports icon on the Sidebar to generate a Search Results report.
3. When the Search Results report window appears, select the date range to include and select the filter parameters you
want to use and the values for the filter parameters you selected.
a. Select the All dates option to include test results done on any date, or select
the Date range option to include test results done within a range of dates. If
you select the Date range option, enter the start and end dates by entering
them directly or selecting them though use of the calendar. The default option
is the date range including the past week.
b. All of the filter parameters on the Search Results report window are optional.
i. For Assay Type, Well Type and Result Parameters, check the box associated
with the values you want to include in the report.
ii. For List type parameters, click the dropdown menu and select the value you want include in the report.
iii. For Text type parameters, click in the field to enter the value you want to include in the report. You can enter
the entire text or a keyword for a Text type parameter. You cannot use wild cards.
Description Default Type
User User who performed the run All users included List
Assay Type Type of 3M Molecular Detection Assay used All assay types
Well Type Sample, Reagent Control, Negative Control or Matrix
All Well types included Checkbox
Kit Lot Lot Number for the assay kit used All kit lots included Text
Result Reported result of the test. All results included Checkbox
Run ID ID assigned to the run when it was set up All runs included List
Retested Select this option to include retests only. All tests included Check box
Instrument Serial number of the instrument on which the run
was performed (connected and not connected
instruments are listed).
All instruments
Sample ID Sample ID as defined in the Samples tab of the Setup
All sample IDs
Sample Type * Optional field. All sample types
Description * Optional field. All descriptions
Product * Optional field. All products included Text
Brand * Optional field. All brands included Text