
23. Click [Next] to continue with the installation wizard.
24. Select a format for the default Run ID. The available formats of the default Run ID all include the current date followed
by the creation sequence number. The date format is a two digit month, two digit day and either a two or four digit year.
The sequence number is created by the system and can be a one, two or three digit number enclosed by parenthesis,
hyphens or underscores.
25. Click [Next] to continue with the installation wizard.
26. The software provides optional, customizable fields used to describe samples. The default values for these fields are
listed in this table. You can accept these default values by clicking [Next] on the Custom Fields Configuration window, or
you can customize these fields by using the options available.
Note: You will not be able to customize these fields, except for the Show option, after the installation process is complete.