You can also right-click a cell or group of cells to select the Assay type and Well Type using the context-sensitive menu.
10. Repeat step 8 and step 9 until you have defined all the assay types and well types for the run. The screenshot below is
an example of a completed new run definition. The new Run ID appears as the tab title, and the asterisk (*) indicates the
run definition has been changed since it was last saved.
11. Enter the Kit Lot Number in the Well Details pane. The Well ID field on the Well Details pane indicates which well(s) are
selected and will receive the Kit Lot Number you enter.
• Enter the lot number into the Kit Lot Number field (white), then click or press [Enter] to save the entry.
• To select a preconfigured Kit Lot Number, click to switch to the drop-down list (blue), then select an ID from
the list. You cannot enter new values when this field is blue.
12. Enter the Sample ID in the Well Details pane.
• Enter the Sample ID into the Sample ID field (white) and click or press [Enter] to save the entry.
• To select a preconfigured Sample ID, click to switch to the drop-down list (blue), then select an ID from the
list. You cannot enter new values when this field is blue.
Note: A Sample ID cannot be assigned to Reagent Controls and Negative Controls.