8. In the Object Explorer, expand Databases. The Mds database should be listed.
Uninstalling the Software
You can uninstall the 3M Molecular Detection Software by using any one of these three methods: All Programs menu,
Uninstall.exe, or Control Panel.
All Programs Menu
1. Click Start on the Windows Desktop, and then select All Programs.
2. Select 3M
3. Select 3M Molecular Detection System
4. Select Uninstall
5. The Uninstall 3M Molecular Detection System Uninstall dialog appears. You have the option to delete or to save the
existing 3M Molecular Detection System database. The default is to save the database. To delete the database, click the
Delete database checkbox.
6. Click the [Uninstall] button to uninstall the software or click the [Cancel] button to cancel the uninstall action.
1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files\3M\3M Molecular Detection System. If you did not select the
default destination folder for the installation root during the installation wizard process, navigate to the destination folder
for the installation root you selected during the installation wizard process.
2. Double-click Uninstall.exe
3. The Uninstall 3M Molecular Detection System Uninstall dialog appears. You have the option to delete or to save the
existing 3M Molecular Detection System database. The default is to save the database. To delete the database, click the
Delete database checkbox.
4. Click the [Uninstall] button to uninstall the software or click the [Cancel] button to cancel the uninstall action.
Control Panel
5. Click Start on the Windows Desktop, and then select Control Panel.
6. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
7. Select 3M Molecular Detection System
8. Select Change/Remove