S drive and reverse gear
The S drive and in certain cases the propeller (reverse gear) is equipped with a sacrificial anode which prevents
galvanic corrosion. Faulty electrical installation can also cause the break down of the galvanic protection. Damage
due to electrolytic corrosion occurs rapidly and is often extensive. For further information see the chapter: ”Electri-
cal system”
IMPORTANT! Improperly applied paint or the wrong type of paint on the keel can put the corrosion
protection system out of action. For further information on painting see the chapter: Laying up/Launching
Oil level. Check
Remove the dipstick by turning counter-clockwise.
Wipe the dipstick and reinsert it in the drive / re-
verse gear without screwing it in. Remove the dip-
stick and check the oil level. The correct oil level is
between the MAX and MIN markings.
Top up the oil as required using the dip stick tube. For
oil quality and capacity: See the chapter ”Technical
IMPORTANT! Do not overfill under any circum-
stances. The oil level must always be within the
recommended level.
Oil change. S-drive
Remove the oil dipstick. Remove the plug on the
propeller gear housing and let the oil run out. Check
that the plug o-ring is intact. Replace if necessary.
Install the plug and o-ring. Top up oil to correct level.
For oil quality and capacity: See the chapter ”Techni-
cal Data”.
IMPORTANT! If oil is colored gray then water
has entered the drive. Please contact an author-
ised Volvo Penta workshop.
HS25 / MS25S
Maintenance: S drive and reverse gear
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