Maintenance schedule
Daily before starting for first time
● Engine and engine room. General inspection..................................................page 29
● Engine oil. Checking level ..............................................................................page 32
● Coolant. Checking level .................................................................................page 34
Every 14 days
● Fuel pre-filter. Drain water ..............................................................................page 41
● Drive belt. Check ...........................................................................................page 30
● Seawater filter. Cleaning ................................................................................page 37
● Battery. Check electrolyte level .....................................................................page 43
● Reverse gear. Check oil level.........................................................................page 48
● S-drive. Check oil level ..................................................................................page 48
Least once a year
● Folding propeller. Cleaning .............................................................................page 50
● S-drive. Check rubber seal (hull/drive) ............................................................page 52
Your Volvo Penta engine and associated equipment is designed to provide high operational reliability and long
service life. They are constructed to withstand the marine environment while also affecting it as little as possi-
ble. Preventive maintenance in accordance with the maintenance schedule will ensure that it retains these
qualities and avoid unnecessary operational disturbances.
Warranty inspection
The prescribed warranty inspection “First Service Inspection” must be carried out at an authorised Volvo Pen-
ta workshop during this first period of operation. Directions for when and how this is to be carried out can be
found in the Warranty and Service Book.
WARNING! Read the chapter “Maintenance” thoroughly before starting any mainte-
nance work. It contains directions for performing maintenance in a safe and correct
IMPORTANT! When both operating time and calendar time is given, the one occur-
ring first is to apply. Maintenance points marked with are to be carried out at an
authorised Volvo Penta workshop.
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