Electrical system
WARNING! Always stop the engine and break the current using the main switches before working on the
electrical system. Isolate shore current to the engine block heater, battery charger, or accessories mounted
on the engine.
Main switch
The main switch must never be turned off before the
engine has stopped. If the circuit between the genera-
tor and the battery is cut off when the engine is
running the generator can be seriously damaged. For
the same reason charging circuits must never be
switched over while the engine is running.
IMPORTANT! Never break the circuit with the
main switches while the engine is running.
Electrical connections
Also check that all electrical connections are dry and
free of oxidation and that there are no loose connec-
tions. If necessary, spray these connections with a
water-repellent spray (Volvo Penta Universal oil).
The engine has a fuse holder with four 15 A fuses.
This is located on the relay box to the left of the
engine. One fuse protects the system and cuts power
in the event of an overload, the others are spares.
If a fuse blows the system can be reconnected by
moving the cable to the next fuse. Always investigate
the cause of an overload before resetting the fuse!
IMPORTANT! Make sure that you always have
spare fuses on board.
Maintenance: Electrical system
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