Your Driving, the Road, and
Your Vehicle ............................................ 218
Defensive Driving ...................................... 218
Drunken Driving ........................................ 219
Control of a Vehicle .................................. 222
Braking ...................................................... 222
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) .................. 223
Braking in Emergencies ............................. 225
Enhanced Traction System (ETS) .............. 226
Steering .................................................... 227
Off-Road Recovery .................................... 230
Passing ..................................................... 230
Loss of Control .......................................... 232
Driving at Night ......................................... 233
Driving in Rain and on Wet Roads ............ 234
City Driving ............................................... 237
Freeway Driving ........................................ 238
Before Leaving on a Long Trip .................. 239
Highway Hypnosis ..................................... 240
Hill and Mountain Roads ........................... 241
Winter Driving ........................................... 243
If Your Vehicle is Stuck in Sand, Mud,
Ice, or Snow .......................................... 248
Rocking Your Vehicle to Get It Out ........... 248
Loading Your Vehicle ................................ 249
Towing ........................................................ 254
Towing Your Vehicle ................................. 254
Recreational Vehicle Towing ...................... 254
Towing a Trailer (Manual Transaxle) ......... 256
Towing a Trailer (Automatic Transaxle) ...... 257
Section 4 Driving Your Vehicle