Pontiac 2002 Automobile User Manual

RECIRC (Recirculation): Press this button to
limit the amount of outside air entering your vehicle.
This is helpful when you are trying to quickly cool the
interior of the vehicle or limit odors entering the vehicle.
RECIRC may be selected in all manual airflow modes
except FRONT defrost. If you select RECIRC while in
FRONT defrost, the RECIRC light will flash to let you
know that this is not allowed by the system. This is to
prevent fogging.
When the weather is cool or damp, operating the system
in recirculation, without also using the air conditioning,
may cause fogging of the windshield. To clear the fog,
switch back to outside air, select defog or FRONT
defrost mode and increase the fan speed. To avoid
refogging of the windows, minimize your use of
recirculation under these conditions and turn the air
conditioning on to help dehumidify the air.
A/C (Air Conditioning): Press this button to
turn the air conditioning compressor on and off. This
system will cool and dehumidify the air inside your
vehicle. The air conditioning compressor will also run
when you select the FRONT defrost mode and outside
temperatures are approximately 40 F (4 C) or
higher. When in AUTO mode, air conditioning will
automatically be used as needed to maintain the selected
temperature setting.
AUTO (Automatic Control): Press the AUTO
button for automatic control of the air delivery mode,
fan speed, air conditioning and recirculation. Whenever
AUTO is pressed, the display will show the current
settings for five seconds before returning the display to
exterior temperature and AUTO.
The fan speed and mode of airflow delivery will vary as
the system maintains the selected temperature setting.
The air conditioning compressor will run at outside
temperatures over approximately 40 F (4 C). The air
inlet will normally be set to OUTSIDE AIR. If it is hot
enough outside, the air inlet mode will automatically
switch to recirculation.
To find you comfort zone for the automatic settings,
start with a temperature setting of 75 F (24 C) and
allow about 20 minutes for the system to regulate.
Then turn the TEMP knobs up or down to adjust the
temperature setting if necessary. If you choose the
temperature setting of 60 F (15 C), the system will
remain at the maximum cooling setting and fan speed.
If you choose the temperature setting of 90 F (33 C),
the system will remain at the maximum heat setting and
fan speed. Choosing either maximum setting will not
cause the system to heat or cool any faster.