Front Brake
The front brakes are hydraulic disc brakes. They’re activated by
moving the brake lever toward the handlebar. These brakes are
The following ch ecks are recommended to keep the brak e system in
good operating condition. Check more often if brakes are used heavily
under normal operation.
1. Always keep brake fluid at an adequate level (see page 39).
NOTE: Under normal functioning the diaphragm extends into the
reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid level is low and the
diaphragm is not extended, a leak is likely and the diaphragm
should be replaced. Always fi ll the reservoir as needed whenever
the cover is loosened or removed to ensure proper diaphragm
operation. Use Polaris DOT 3 brake fluid (see page 117).
2. Check the b rake system for fluid leaks.
3. Check the brakes for excessive
travel or spongy feel.
4. Check the friction pad s for wear,
damage and looseness.
5. Check the security and surface
condition of the disc.
NOTE: Pads should be changed when worn
to 3/64″ (.1 cm), or about the thickness of a
U.S. dime.
Afte r opening a bottle of b rake fluid, alway s discard any
unused portion. Never store or us e a partial bottl e. Brake
fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absor bs moisture from
the air. The moisture caus es the boiling temper ature of the
brake fluid to drop, which can lead to early brake fade and the
possibility o f accident or severe injury.
3/64″ (.1 cm)