Polaris 120 Pro X Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Accessories 79.....................
Auto Chain Tensioner 60.............
Brake Adjustment 59................
Brake Lever Travel 58...............
Break-In Period 44-45..............
Carburetor 57.....................
Carburetor Protection 65.............
Checking Engine Oil 45.............
Choke and Cable Lubrication 58.......
Component Identification 42-43.......
Electrical Connections 63............
Emergency Stopping Procedure 49.....
Engine Break-In 44.................
Engine Stop Switch 28..............
Equipment Modifications 10..........
Exhaust System 56.................
Fall Tune-Up 66...................
Front Suspension 63................
Fuel Safety 46.....................
Hi-Fax Inspection/Replacement 72.....
Jetting Chart 80....................
Know Your Snowmobile 14-18.......
Lubrication 61.....................
Maintenance Inspection 54...........
Maintenance Program 11, 51.........
Oil 45............................
Oil Change 62.....................
Oil Level 62.......................
Operation 46-50...................
Operation Warnings 29-41...........
Oxygenated Fuels 46................
Paint Codes 79.....................
Polaris Products 82.................
Pre-Ride Warm Up 50...............
Pre-Ride Check 19-20..............
Preservation of the Environment 7 -8...
Riding Rules 21-24.................
Safety 10-13......................
Safety Decals 12...................
Second Year Engine Service Contract 87
Service And Warranty Information 83..
Signal words 13....................
Skag Replacement 76...............
Ski Skags 76......................
Spark Plug Removal and Replacement 56
Spark Plugs 55-56..................
Specifications 80-81................
Speed Regulation 47................
Starting a Cold Engine 48............
Starting a Warm Engine 48...........
Starting the Engine 48...............
Steering Inspection and Adjustment 74.
Steering System 73.................
Storage 63-64.....................
Storage, Daily 49...................
Maintenance 51-78.................
Suspension Components 78..........
Suspension Lubrication 77...........
Symbols 13.......................
Throttle Cable Lubrica tio n 58.........
Throttle Cable Pivot Slug 58..........
Throttle Safety Switch 27............
Towing 66........................
Track Adjustment 68................
Track Alignment 69.................
Track and Suspension 67.............
Track Inspection 71.................
Track Lubrication 73................
Track Tension 67...................
Track Warm Up 70.................
Transporting 66....................
Troubleshooting 79.................
Vehicle Identification Numbers 9......
WARRANTY 83-88................
Washing 62.......................
Waxing 62........................
Welcome 4........................
Windchill/Temperature Charts 36......