Revision 1.2 Appendix A – NMEA 2000
Interfacing Page A1
Appendix A – NMEA 2000
FFM100 NMEA 2000
Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs
PGN 130312 –Temperature
The FFM100 uses this PGN to provide a regular transmission of fluid temperatures. The
factory default for periodic transmission rate is once every two seconds. The transmission of
this PGN can be disabled (see PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission
Periodic Rate).
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together.
2: Temperature Instance – The FFM100 sets this field to identify a particular
temperature measurement from the source specified in Field 3. Every temperature
measurement from a given source type on the network should have a distinct
instance value, so that monitoring devices and displays can identify which
measurement is which.
3: Temperature Source – This field is used to indicate the type of temperature
measurement being taken. Possible values for this field include Sea Temperature,
Outside Temperature, Inside Temperature, Engine Room Temperature, Main Cabin
Temperature, Live Well Temperature, Bait Well Temperature, Refrigeration
Temperature, Heating System Temperature, and Freezer Temperature.
4: Actual Temperature – This field is used to indicate the temperature, whose source is
specified in field 2, in units of 0.01°C.
5: Set Temperature – The FFM100 sets this field to a reserved NMEA 2000 value
indicating “Data Not Available”.
6: Reserved bits – The FFM100 sets all bits in this field to a value of “1”.
PGN 127489 – Engine Parameters, Dynamic
The FFM100 uses this PGN to transmit fluid flow rate information. The factory default for
periodic transmission rate is twice per second. The transmission of this PGN can be disabled
(see PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission Periodic Rate).
Field 1: Engine Instance – (8-bit unsigned integer) This field indicates the particular engine
for which this data applies. A single engine will have an instance of 0. Engines in
multi-engine boats will be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing
to n going in towards the stern of the boat. For engines at the same distance from the
bow are stern, the engines are numbered starting from the port side and proceeding
towards the starboard side.
2: Engine Oil Pressure – (16-bit unsigned integer) The FFM100 sets this field to a
reserved NMEA 2000 value indicating “Data Not Available”.
3: Engine Oil Temperature – (16-bit unsigned integer) The FFM100 sets this field to a
reserved NMEA 2000 value indicating “Data Not Available”.
4: Engine Temperature – (16-bit unsigned integer) The FFM100 sets this field to a
reserved NMEA 2000 value indicating “Data Not Available”.
5: Alternator Potential – (16-bit signed integer) The FFM100 sets this field to a reserved
NMEA 2000 value indicating “Data Not Available”.