Leica GPS1200+ GPS Receiver User Manual

Reference Station
Configure a remote
interface connec-
Remote interface to be configured Configure using
Standard default RS232 Each port is by default a remote port.
No specific receiver configurations
must be done.
The default settings allow immediate
communication using the following port
communication parameters:
Baud rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bit: 1
Flow control: None
Specific devices such as modems for
a particular port
Must be configured using the RX1200.
Refer to "Configure a modem interface
step-by-step" for an example.
GRX1200+ built-in ethernet device
for communicating with the receiver
Must be configured using the RX1200 or the
Startup Configurator. Refer to "Configure a
NET port step-by-step" for an example.