Voice activation 35
Trouble shooting error messages (continued)
General (cont’d) COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED The voice system has failed to recognize your command.
1. Ensure that the command format is valid, see Voice command list on
page 9.
2. Ensure that the command is given after the end of the beep.
3. Look forward and speak clearly without pausing between words and at
a level appropriate to the ambient noise level; imagine you are making
a hands free phone call.
4. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive, for example,
windows open or demist on.
Note: If it is too noisy to use the phone, it is likely that voice commands
will not be recognized.
5. If optional words of the command have been omitted, then the
command should be tried with these in place.
6. If a number of commands have been given in rapid succession resulting
in the message COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED to be displayed, then
allow the system to recover (approximately one minute) before trying
the command again.
7. If the system consistently fails to recognize commands, the voice
training procedure should be carried out to improve the recognition
response for the speaker.
Voice Command
Message Meaning