Rev 5, April/2003 10521I05.TDC Page A-9
s = 0 North latitude
s = 1 South latitude
x = Undefined
ddddddd = Latitude degrees
mmmmmm = Latitude minutes
hhhhhhh = Latitude hundredths of minutes
A value of 7FH in byte 7 indicates that latitude and
longitude are not presently available and bytes 7
through 13 should be ignored.
Byte 10 11 12 13
Bit 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
sxxxxxxx dddddddd xxmmmmmm xhhhhhhh
s = 0 East longitude
s = 1 West longitude
x = Undefined
dddddddd = Longitude degrees
mmmmmm = Longitude minutes
hhhhhhh = Longitude hundredths of minutes
Magnetic Variation
Byte 14 15
Bit 76543210 76543210
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn = Magnetic variation at waypoint. Two’s complement binary in
sixteenths of degrees. Easterly variation is positive.
A value of 7FH in byte 14 indicates that magnetic
variation is not presently available and bytes 14 and
15 should be ignored.
If the flight plan is invalid no flight plan data will be transmitted.
The data, including all of the waypoints in the active flight plan, shall be output every 2 sec $ 0.5