Page A-6 10521I05.TDC Rev 5, April/2003
l dddddd 6 distance to destination
dddddd=nm * 10
t abcdefghij 10 GPS discretes
a=W for waypoint alert, T for in turn, dashed otherwise
b=N for new message, P for persistent message, dash if not
c=E for en route, T for terminal, R for approach arm, A for approach active
D=L for leg mode, D for direct to, O for OBS mode, or T for OBS to leg
e=T for TO, F for FROM, dashed if NAV flagged
f, g, h, i, and j=all dashed, reserved for future use
u (described later in this section) self-test data
w (described later in this section) flight plan data
If data is invalid, transmit the item designator and fill the rest of the field with dashes.
Blank or space character occurs in the item format field will be sent as ASCII character 20H.
The following table defines the output data for track, desired track, bearing to active waypoint, and
magnetic variation in leg and OBS modes. The following definitions are used.
TK angle of the course that the aircraft is flying relative to true north
DTK angle of the course line at the point nearest the present position relative to true north
RAD true radial from the active waypoint to the present position (angle is measured at the
MSC angle of the course line at the active waypoint relative to magnetic north; if the waypoint
is a VOR or an approach waypoint, magnetic north is based on the published magnetic
variation for that VOR.
LMV magnetic variation at present position
WMV magnetic variation at the active waypoint; if the waypoint is a VOR or an approach
waypoint, its published magnetic variation is used, otherwise the computed magnetic
variation at that point.
BRG true bearing from the present position to the active waypoint
leg mode OBS mode
track TK - LMV TK - WMV
desired track DTK - LMV MSC
bearing to active waypoint BRG - LMV RAD - WMV ?180°
magnetic variation LMV WMV