Garrett Metal Detectors GTI 1500 Radar Detector User Manual

Jewelry, Relics, Zero, Custom) that was
previously being used.
- & +
These touch pads permit precise regula-
tion of the GTI 1500 . You will note that
each press of a touch pad causes seg-
ments on the Upper Scale to move either
to the right (+) or to the left (-).
The + and - touch pads enable the follow-
ing regulation: Permit alternation between
the five search modes; Permit adjust-
ment of levels of sensitivity, Threshold,
Frequency, Volume and Tone; Activate (+)
or turn off (-) Salt Elimination, Bell tone
target audio and Backlight; Activate (+) or
turn off (-) the NiMH battery gauge; Move
cursor in the Upper Scale when discrimina-
tion is being set in the Operate mode.
Experiment with these touch pads your-
self and experience the precise degree of
regulation possible with the GTI 1500.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 15