Edelbrock 91004 Automobile Parts User Manual

Page 20 of 44
Catalog #91001, 91003, 91004, 91005, 91007, 91009
Rev. 2/06 - RS/mc
©2006 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure #63-0282
Digital Starting Triggers
These allow you to start logging based upon a digital sensor value (e.g. Wheel Speed > 30)
The first box displays a list of all enabled digital channels. Select the channel desired or “none”. The third box allows you to select
whether the trigger occurs on a rise or fall in the value «».
The final box allows you to enter the value (e.g. 30). The second box is only used for pure digital signals when you must select whether
the trigger condition is on a high or low value. (The third and fourth boxes do not have any relevance for pure digital signals).
Analog Starting Triggers
Analog Starting Triggers allow you to start logging based upon an analog sensor value, e.g. EGT > 600.
The first box displays a list of all enabled analog channels. Select the channel desired or “none”. The third box allows you to select
whether the trigger occurs on a rise or fall in the value «». T he final box allows you to enter the value (e.g. 600).