Cargo Area Floor Drains
The cargo mat has cut-outs for the four cargo-area floor
drains, located near the sides of the cargo area.
Flush the drains periodically through the cutouts to clear
debris and to allow water to drain from the cargo
area. If the cargo area is extremely dirty, lift up the
edges of the cargo floor mat or take the whole mat out
and flush the drains with water.
Top-Box Storage
The vehicle has top-box storage units on both sides of
the vehicle. The passenger side top box contains
the tools needed to change a flat tire.
Use the key to unlock or lock it. Press the key cylinder
button and swing the lid open. Turn on the cargo
lamps, if the vehicle has them, to light the inside of the
cargo area. See Exterior Cargo Lamps on page 3-18
for more information.