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and and control
TTeemmppeerraattuurree cchheecckk
and controls
DDaaiillyy ssttaarrtt oonn//ooffff
and and controls
TTeemmppeerraattuurree ssttaarrtt oonn//ooffff
What is included
➤ A control module
➤ An HX transceiver/antenna
➤ Two four-button transmitters
➤ A Stinger™ DoubleGuard
two-stage shock sensor
➤ A Revenger™ Soft Chirp™ six-tone programmable siren
➤ A status LED indicator light
➤ A push-button Valet button
➤ Your warranty registration
➤ A shut-down toggle switch
Important information
Congratulations on the purchase of your combination remote
start alarm system. Due to the complexity of this system, it must
be installed by an authorized dealer only. Installation of this
product by anyone other than an authorized dealer voids the
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