Please read this section carefully before using this product.
This product is intended to provide turn-by-turn instructions to safely guide you to your desired
destination. Please make sure that all persons using this navigation software carefully read these
precautions and the operating instructions in the Voya 320 User's Guide.
Averatec, Inc. cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for accidents resulting from failure to
observe these precautions.
Your personal judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take
precedence over instructions produced by the software.
This product is not a substitute for your driving technique, driving knowledge or especially
your personal judgment. Route suggestions made by this navigation system should never
supersede any traffic regulations, your personal judgment, or your knowledge of safe
driving practices. If you feel that a route suggestion made by the software instructs you to
perform an unsafe or illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe situation, or routes you
into an area that you consider unsafe, do not follow the instructions. Your personal
judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over
instructions produced by the software.
When your vehicle is moving, keep your eyes on the road instead of looking at the
screen. If you need to look at the screen for a prolonged time, always park the car in a
safe manner and in accordance with all traffic regulations.
Do not select or input destinations, change settings or otherwise manually operate this
software unless you have parked your car in a safe manner, observing all traffic
If you are responding to an emergency, it may not be prudent to rely on this system
unless you have no other means to obtain accurate directions. The database does not
include all of the facilities and streets necessary for emergency response, and the
system’s maps may not reflect recent changes in roads, traffic controls and driving
conditions. Use your own judgment in these situations.
The database utilized by this software is the most accurate and up-to-date database
available. Because of road closures, construction, weather, new roads and other
conditions, the database might not contain accurate information regarding all streets and
locations. If so, the system might not be able to correctly guide you on your route or may
inaccurately estimate the time needed to reach your destination. Please use your
judgment in these cases. Renewing your subscription to the database will aid in keeping
it up-to-date.
There are situations when the navigation system will incorrectly display the vehicle’s
position on the map. Usually this situation will correct itself automatically. Use your own
judgment at all times. If you need to reset the position, pull over in a safe manner
observing all traffic regulations.