AS-6070 TW User Guide P. 9
To set the system to Ready Mode:
1. Ensure that all the doors are closed and that the shifter is in the neutral position.
2. With the engine already running, apply the parking brake and release the brake pedal.
Make sure to release the brake pedal.
3. Within 20 sec. press LOCK, UNLOCK or START/STOP on the transmitter.
The parking lights will flash 3 times quickly and remain lit.
4. Remove the key: the engine will go on running.
5. Exit the vehicle and close the door.
6. Press and hold either:
a. LOCK to lock the doors and shut down the engine;
b. UNLOCK to unlock the doors and shut down the engine;
c. START/STOP to shut down the engine without affecting the doors.
Remaining In Ready Mode
Once the vehicle is in Ready Mode you can start and stop the vehicle at wish. However, should
any of the following occur, the vehicle will exit Ready Mode – thus eliminating the remote start
option until Ready Mode is restored:
x Door opened;
x Hood opened;
x Brake pedal pressed;
x Parking brake disengaged;
x Ignition key turned to the IGNITION ON (RUN) position.
Should any of the above occur, Ready Mode will be cancelled.
Note: The unit will notify the user that it has exited Ready Mode by giving 3 slow flashes
(parking lights).
Press the START/STOP button for approx. 1 second. The parking lights will come ON and the remote
control will play a melody to inform you that the System has received your signal. Approximately 5
seconds later, the engine will start. The remote control will play a second melody to confirm that
the vehicle was successfully started. The parking lights will remain
ON during the pre-programmed
run time of the engine.
Be careful! It could take up to 10 seconds before you receive the second confirmation
(Runtime). If you press any buttons before that, you will not receive the second confirmation.
If the vehicle does not start at the first attempt, the system will shut down, wait a few seconds and
try to start the engine again. There will be 3 start attempts before the system gives up.
Once the vehicle is running, the user may select the length of time during which the engine is to go
on running.
Vehicle Presets
Heater & Heated Seat
When leaving the vehicle it is recommended to preset the accessory controls in preparation for the
next remote start. Settings for the blower motor (fan), front and rear, as well as heated seats (if
equipped) should not be left on HIGH. It is recommended to leave the settings on LOW or MEDIUM
Windshield Wipers & Radio & Headlights
Certain vehicles require the radio and / or windshield wiper and / or headlight circuits to become
energized while running under remote start. When leaving the vehicle you must ensure that the
windshield wiper and headlight switches are
OFF. Leaving the headlight switch ON on certain types