B - 4
will hear the motor engage if the tow vehicle and trailer are properly connected. If the
ActiBrake does not function, immediately discontinue operation.
Determining and Setting Proper Trailer Braking Force
Become Familiar with Braking of the Coupled Tow Vehicle and Trailer.
After the system installation has been verified, the operator should take the trailer to
an empty parking lot to become familiar with the operation of the braking action of the
combined tow vehicle-trailer. Each driver has different driving habits, and each vehicle
has unique braking characteristics. Each potential driver of the coupled tow vehicle
and trailer should take some time to familiarize themselves with the response and
handling of the trailer using various settings on the tow vehicle controller. Each driver
must be familiar with the operation of the tow vehicle brake controller and understand
how to make adjustments to achieve the most desirable braking force.
Brake Controller Signal Determines Trailer Brake Pressure
Trailer braking pressure is controlled by the use of a tow vehicle brake controller. This
allows the driver to select the desired brake performance for the trailer, from the driver’s
position in the towing vehicle. Increasing or decreasing the “gain” setting of the tow
vehicle brake controller, will increase or decrease the level of brake force generated by
the ActiBrake unit. Refer to brake controller manufacturer’s manual for instructions to
properly adjust the controller settings.
A BRAKE CONTROLLER installed in your tow vehicle will synchronize the trailer
brakes with your tow vehicle brakes. It is designed to apply the trailer brakes whenever
the tow vehicle brakes are applied.
ELECTRONIC CONTROLLERS are inertially activated. The controller senses
deceleration and generates an output, which reflects the inertia sensed. When you
are stationary, the controller does not apply the brakes unless the manual slide bar is
NOTE: Study all material provided with your particular brake control. If you don’t
understand the information, have the installer explain the information to you or call the
manufacturer of the controller.