Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01 95
AT Commands
0 - OTKSL(One
Time Key Sub
sidy Lock)
1 - MSL (Master
Subsidy Lock)
nnnnnn=6 digit
unlock code
Service Programming Code
Upon successful entry of this code, all other service pro-
visioning AT commands may be used. Cingular will
provide the unlock code and type.
If an OTKSL is used to enter provisioning mode, only
the +WIMI, +WMDN, and +WCMT commands will be
allowed. All other commands will return ERROR.
Caution: This command supports five attempts to enter
the correct service programming code. If five incorrect
attempts are performed, the ME will power down.
Note: Once the correct SPC code is entered, the module
transitions to the Service Programming state. This state
is not exited until a commit is done (+WCMT). While in
the Service Programming state, subsequent validations
of the SPC code are ignored until the Service Program
ming state is reset.
+WSSW none Software version of the module
n=roam type
0 - Home Only
1 - Automatic
2- Automatic A
3- Automatic B
Preferred Roaming List
Note: The values depend on the currently loaded PRL.
Home only - Service on home systems
For preferred systems:
Automatic - Roaming allowed on affiliated systems
For non preferred systems:
Automatic-A - Roaming allowed on affiliated systems
and any A band system
Automatic-B - Roaming allowed on affiliated systems
and any B band system
The mode for answering data/fax calls with A (Answer)
or autoanswer via S0=1.
Answer as voice (Default)
Data for one call
Data for all calls
TABLE 19. Commands Usable with PassThru
Command Parameters Details