AT Commands
94 Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01
+CIMI none Mobile Station IP Address
+CMIP? none Received Signal Strength and Channel Frame Error Rate
+CSQ none Serving System
+CSS? none Capabilities
+GCAP none Model identification with supported frequency bands.
+WGMM none Serial number of the module.
+WHWV none PRL version
num=IMSI Set the IMSI.
A valid IMSI is 15 digits in length; MCC (3), MNC (2),
MIN2 (3), MIN1 (7). For support of Wireless Number
Portability, changes to the IMSI will NOT update the
MDN. Changes to the IMSI will automatically update
the Access Overload Class values unless specifically
modified using +WAOC command.
Cingular will provide the IMSI.
Set the Mobile Directory Number (MDN).
Valid numbers are between 10 and 15 digits in length.
For support of Wireless Number Portability in all non-
RUIM software versions, changes to the MDN will
update the IMSI_M portion (least significant 10 digits)
of the IMSI. Changes to the MDN will also automati
cally update the Access Overload Class values unless
specifically modified using the +WAOC command. The
new IMSI_M and Access Overload Class values will not
be visible in the WIMI and WAOC commands until after
the changes are committed with the WCMT command.
Cingular will provide the MDN.
idx=The loca-
tion in the SID/
NID list to store
the values.
sid= system ID
nid=network ID
Set SID and NID.
The new SID/NID values are committed to NV with the
+WCMT command.
Cingular will provide the SID and NID.
Note: A maximum of 20 index locations (0-19) are sup-
ported. Error 22 is returned if the specified index value is
not in the valid range.
TABLE 19. Commands Usable with PassThru
Command Parameters Details