Actron CP9087 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Temperature Sensor Test Procedure
Use this procedure for testing all engine coolant or inlet air temperature sensors.
Certain Toyota, Nissan and Ford engines using vane airflow sensors have the
air temperature sensor built into the vane airflow assembly. Refer to page 2-40
for testing.
GM 1988 2.8L Mass Airflow Sensor (5 pin only) also has a built-in air tempera-
ture sensor. Use same test procedure as for vane airflow temperature sensor.
Refer to page 2-34 for testing.
Sensor may be tested on or off vehicle.
Warning: On-car testing involves running engine. Observe all safety precautions
(see page ii). Work in well ventilated area.
Testing Sensors
1) Verify ignition key is OFF.
Allow engine to cool to outside temperature before testing.
2) Check Tester battery
Refer to page 1-4. Set RANGE switch to POWER OFF
when done.
3) Disconnect wiring harness from sensor - Inspect for
Some vehicles use a metal snap ring to secure wiring
harness to sensor. Remove this snap ring before discon-
necting wiring harness.
4) Off-Car testing only: Remove sensor.
Be careful of coolant spillage from mounting hole if
removing engine temperature sensor.
5) Connect test leads.
either sensor pin.
• BLACK to remaining sensor pin.