Kiosk Modifications of the OLE for Retail POS
11/25/2013 OPOS Driver User Guide P1061668-001 Rev. A
CapCharacterSet Property
Added in Release 1.1, Updated in Release 1.5
Syntax LONG CapCharacterSet
Remarks Holds the default character set capability. It is PTR_CCS_WINDOWS for Kiosk
This property is initialized by the Open method.
CapRecMarkFeed Proper ty
Added in Release 1.5
Mark feed is only supported through settings in the Windows driver.
CapRecNearEndSensor Proper ty
• This property is initialized by the Open method.
• This sensor will be reported as “Paper near end.”
CapRecPapercut Property
• This property is initialized by the Open method.
• The Kiosk printer supports full 100% cut and 50% cut. See CutPaper on page 27 for more
CharacterSet Proper ty
Updated in Release 1.5
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the Open method.
Values are: PTR_CS_WINDOWS for Kiosk printer.
PTR_CCS_WINDOWS The Windows ANSI character set. The value of this constant is
999. This is exactly equivalent to the Windows code page 1252.
PTR_CS_WINDOWS The Windows ANSI character set. The value of this constant is
999. This is exactly equivalent to the Windows code page 1252.