Kiosk Modifications of the OLE for Retail POS
General Information
P1061668-001 Rev. A OPOS Driver User Guide 11/25/2013
Print Mode Characteristics that are remembered until explicitly changed.
Feed units ESC |#uF Feed the paper forward by mapping
mode units. The character ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
telling the number of units to be fed. If
‘#’ is omitted, then one unit is fed.
Feed reverse ESC |#rF Feed the paper backward. The
character ‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII
decimal string telling the number of
lines to be fed. If ‘#’ is omitted, then
one line is fed.
Table 9 • One Shot Data Characters and Escape Sequences (Continued)
Name Data Remarks
Zebra Kiosk
Printer Supported
Table 10 • Print Mode Data Characters and Escape Sequences
Name Data Remarks
Zebra Kiosk
Printer Supported
Pass through
embedded data
ESC |#E Send the following # characters of
data through to the hardware without
modifying it. The character '#' is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
telling the number of bytes following
the escape sequence that should be
passed through as-is to the hardware.
Print in-line barcode ESC |#R Prints the defined barcode in-line. The
character ‘#’ is the number of
characters following the R to use in
the definition of the characteristics of
the barcode to be printed. See details
Font typeface selection ESC |#fT Selects a new typeface for the
following data. Values for the
character ‘#’ are:
0 = Default typeface.
1 = Select second typeface from the
FontTypefaceList property.
2 = Select third typeface from the
FontTypefaceList property.
And so on.
The Kiosk OPOS driver
has 2 fonts implemented.
Valid selections are 0 for
(small) Monospace, 1 for
Lucida Console (big)